

Shipping Questions

Do you ship Internationally?

Absolutely.  We ship to over 170 countries using a number of different transportation providers.

How long until my order ships?

Our goal is to have your order shipped within 2 business days.  Depending on when the order is placed (early am) we may ship sooner.

Order Questions

How do I change my order?

As long as your order hasn't already shipped, we will happily change your order.  Just send us an email to referencing your order # (SD-....) and we can make any substitutions, additions or subtractions required.

Can I cancel my order?

If we haven't shipped your order yet, simply email with your order # and we can cancel the order and issue you a refund.

Do you backorder items?

We do our best to ensure that the quantities available on our website match our inventory in stock.  On very rare occasions, an item ordered may not be available.  In such a situation, we will email you directly and ask how you would like us to handle this issue (we can substitute another item, provide a refund or backorder the item).  Again, such a situation would be extremely rare as we strive to ensure our inventory levels accurately reflect what we have available for immediate shipping.

Product Questions

What is the nutritional information for your seasonings?

This varies depending on the flavor.  All nutritional information is printed on each bottles label.  Additionally, the nutritional information for each flavor can be found on the matching product page on our website.  If you needed any additional information about one of our seasonings, just email us at and we can happily provide.

Where are your seasonings created?

We use ingredients from all over the world.  All of our spices and seasonings are developed, blended and packaged in North America.


